
Exceptional IB Results

Posted : 03 January 2022


It is with great pleasure that we report on the exceptional results of our International Baccalaureate (IB) students from the Class of 2021.

This cohort has achieved the best IB results in Ravenswood history, despite the immense disruption to their studies caused by the pandemic.

'Ravenswood’s 37 IB candidates applied themselves with resilience, grit, and agility. We are greatly inspired by their efforts, as well those of their excellent teachers, who supported them with unswerving commitment, expertise and care. In particular, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Ravenswood’s IB Coordinator, Ms Monique Connor,' said Ravenswood Principal, Mrs Anne Johnstone.

Highlights of the girls' achievements are detailed below:

· Michelle Bulin and Laura Zhang achieved a perfect score of 45 out of 45, which equates to an ATAR of 99.95 and places them in the top 1% in the world;

· 21.6% of the IB cohort (7 students) achieved a score of 44 (ATAR of 99.75). These include Mary Ma, Victoria Soegimin, Mary Tan, Emma Woodcock, Justine Xue, Grace Zhou and Connie Tsing;

· 62% of the IB cohort (23 students) attained a score of 40 or above (ATAR of 97.90 or above) including the following students: Dorcas Chow, Lois Constantine, Stephanie Ding, Sophia Edwards, Anna Ishii, Kristy Li, Sarah Mraz, Emily Ra, Ojasvi Rana, Charlotte Risbey, Sophie Smith, Connie Ting, Beth Uen, May Zhou and Elaine Zhu;

· 92% of the IB cohort achieved an ATAR of 91.30 or above;

· The median IB score was 41, which equates to an ATAR of 98.55;

· 86.5% of the IB cohort (34 students) achieved a Grade 7 (maximum grade) in one subject or more;

· Six students achieved an IB Bilingual Diploma, having studied all of their non-language subjects in a second language – an immense achievement;

· Every IB student successfully achieved their Diploma, with a score of at least 29 (ATAR of 81.85), well above the IB credentialing score of 24.

'These exceptional results are both a credit to this IB cohort and our superb teaching and non-teaching staff who have gone above and beyond in supporting our girls’ learning and wellbeing throughout their educational journey at Ravenswood,' Mrs Johnstone said.

The IB offers an Enquiry Upon Results (EUR) opportunity for students who wish to have their marks reassessed.

As a school that proudly offers a choice of academic pathways between the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the International Baccalaureate, the complete picture of Ravenswood's 2021 academic performance will not be known until the EUR process is completed and the full HSC results are released on 24 January 2022.

'I would also like to express our gratitude to the parents of our Year 12 girls for their invaluable support and positive partnership with our School over the course of their daughter’s education.'

These figures are current as of 7.1.22 but subject to change. A full report will be published in the new academic year.